matéman, matépedia: birds
matépedia cloud entry: "Flightless Bird: Out of the 8,700 known species of birds in the world, an estimated 60 are flightless. Within this group of stationary vermins, incapable of taking fly, there is the apteryx (from the Ancient Greek 'a /without' and 'pterucs / wing'), more commonly known as kiwi due to its similari- "
#matéman #mateman #yerbamate #matédrink #caricatura #cartoon #aves #birds #avenovoladora #flightlessbird #kiwi #apteryx #actinidiadeliciosa #wikipedia

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matéman y otras ilustraciones por Juanchila están bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional.
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