Sidewalks started in September 2014, when we decided to leave our home in Brighton, United Kingdom, get to know the world together, and slowly transform our personal and professional lives. Half a year later, we packed our home into four backpacks, took (many) trains, and made it all the way to Hong Kong, China…for now.
Sidewalks is above all a space for reflecting and sharing stories from our experiences. Sidewalks is not a travel blog, though it is inspired by our travels. It is a chance to be more conscious of the life we are living, and in doing so slowly cultivating our own subjective understanding of relationships between people, places, time, emotions, things, and non-things.
It is also a vision for a project, sharing stories and exploring how we can connect places and people. We envision doing this through collaboration and different modes of expression and representation. Stories allow us to do this, bring together written and audio-visual content, and be purposefully evocative.